Definition of Blood group

1. Noun. Human blood cells (usually just the red blood cells) that have the same antigens.

Definition of Blood group

1. Noun. A blood type ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Blood group

1. An inherited feature on the surface of the red blood cell. A series of related blood groups make up a blood group system such as the ABO system or the Rh system. Erythrocytic allotypes (or phenotypes) defined by one or more cellular antigenic structural groupings under the control of allelic genes. Blood groups, especially for man, are identified by agglutinins supported by specific human or animal antisera and by lectins extracted from certain plants. See: blood group antigen. (25 Jun 1999)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Blood Group

blood dyscrasia
blood eagle
blood extravasation
blood feud
blood flow velocity
blood flower
blood fluke
blood from a stone
blood from a turnip
blood gas analysis
blood gases
blood glucose
blood glucose meter
blood glucose monitoring
blood glucose self-monitoring
blood group
blood group antigen
blood group incompatibility
blood group substance
blood grouping
blood grouping and crossmatching
blood groups
blood haemopathies
blood heat
blood is thicker than water
blood island
blood islet
blood kinship
blood knot
blood knots

Literary usage of Blood group

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (1883)
"that there is no obvious association between blood group classes of the I, K, or L systems and the genotypes for subgroup A or В virus susceptibility. ..."

2. Oxford Loose-leaf Surgery by F. F. Burghard, Allen Buckner Kanavel (1920)
"... since, from the table given above, we see that the standard blood (group II) agglutinates the corpuscles of groups I and III, and not of II or IV. ..."

3. Surgery, Its Principles and Practice by William Williams Keen (1921)
"Hemolysis does not take place between individuals belonging to the same blood group, and practically never takes place between certain definite combinations ..."

4. Progressive Medicine by Hobart Amory Hare (1920)
"Diagram indicating the blood group of an unknown person, X, by inter- agglutination of X's serum and cells with those of an individual of known Group II: + ..."

5. International Medical and Surgical Surveyby American Institute of Medicine by American Institute of Medicine (1922)
"The membership of the red cells to one blood group is formed even in the ... The group to which one belongs depends on the blood group of the parents. ..."

6. The Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics (1888)
"Nevertheless, from the limited blood-group patterns of the sows and boars, ... The frequencies of these blood-group antigens in different breeds of pigs ..."

7. The Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics (1888)
"of our prolonged survival group inoculated with freeze-dried blood, compared with 3-3 per cent, in the fresh blood group. The incidence of renal cysts was ..."

8. Publication of the American Sociological Society by American Sociological Association (1918)
"N But a mixed-blood group occupies a strategic position and comes to play a distinctive role in the political situation. It functions as a buffer and ..."

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